“The Diaper After” Challenge
Before every baby arrives, families ask themselves the age-old question—cloth diapers or disposables? Since it tends to be posed as an either/or choice, many families opt to use disposable diapers. And we get it: when you're mentally preparing for nighttime feedings and irrational crying (from baby and other members of the household!), the thought of implementing a cloth diapering system can seem overwhelming.
But just because you opt to use disposable diapers at first doesn’t mean you're locked into that choice until baby is potty-trained. Mixing cloth diapers into your routine can be a welcome change for baby and make a positive impact on the environment.
In honor of Earth Day, we are challenging our members to use a cloth diaper instead of a disposable just once a day. We recommend using the cloth diaper after baby has a poop. Since baby is not likely to poop again right away (although they never cease to surprise us!), your cloth diaper clean-up should be easy and require less water.
Switching to cloth diapers for just one change a day means that each year, you'll keep 365 disposable diapers out of the landfill. If you do it the entire time baby is in diapers, that's about 1,000 disposable diapers that are never used!
To kick off “The Diaper After” Challenge, healthynest is offering a free cloth diaper with every monthly supply of disposable diapers purchased during the month of April. Use promo code ONECHANGE at checkout to redeem your free cloth diaper, and start making a positive impact on the environment today.