Nurture Kindness and Self-Love During Maternal Mental Health Month

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month serves as a reminder that mental health is important for mothers - but also that new parents together play important roles when it comes to mental health. While we all hope for a smooth transition into parenthood, it can feel very different and overwhelming. That's why it's crucial for parents to support one another or find support in others in their mental health journeys.

We so appreciate designated times of the year that bring awareness and attention to issues, but the reality is that mental health is an always-on issue for new parents. It requires daily reminders of self-nurturing and kindness. Every day is a new day, and loving ourselves with the same degree of care and attention we provide to others is a skill that is more important than ever to foster. Based on our experiences and the advice of our experts, here are some easy and actionable tips for parents to support each other's mental health and foster a culture of kindness and self-love at home.

Have open and honest conversations: Talk to your partner or a close friend about how you're feeling. It's important to create a judgment-free space where parents can safely share their thoughts and emotions with each other. Mental health is often stigmatized, but normalizing it through open conversation can help reduce the shame associated with it.

“We love to go on walks or drives together - for some reason, moving our bodies allows us to talk more easily and conversation flows more naturally.  I always offer that advice to my friends.” 

Offer Help: When someone is struggling, offer tangible help. Whether it's cooking a meal, taking the baby for a walk, or just being there to listen, small gestures can make a big difference. Even a simple text message to check in can help someone feel less alone.

“My partner and I check in with each other every day. We send simple ‘I love you’ and ‘thinking of you’ messages that remind one another that we are there for each other. This is something I’ve now done to my new parent friends as well to let them know they are not alone.”

Encourage Each Other to Practice Self-Care: Self-care means different things to different people, so encourage each other to find what works for them. For some, it may be a bubble bath, for others, a yoga class, or a face mask. Whatever it is, remind each other to take time out of their busy schedules to practice self-care.

“Whoa has life gotten busy. Maybe I can’t step away for an hour as easily, but now I take several 3-5 minute moments to stretch, or breathe deeply, or just sit still and close my eyes. All of this resets me and allows me to just be with me for a bit.”

Celebrate Wins: Parenting can be challenging, so it's important to acknowledge and celebrate wins. Whether it's a small victory like getting the baby to sleep through the night or a big accomplishment, like going back to work, celebrating successes can provide a much-needed boost of positivity.

“Call me absolutely cheezy but we high five a LOT in our home. Changed a diaper? High five. A soothing tubby? High five. Remembered to do tummy time? High five. We will take ALL the little wins.”

Supporting new parent’s mental health is essential for creating a positive and healthy environment for both children and parents. By having open conversations, offering help, practicing self-care, and celebrating wins, we can help create a culture of kindness and self-love that is so critical for new parents. Remember, self-nurturing and kindness are not options but a necessity, and taking time out to care for ourselves is always worth it.